
normal science中文什么意思

发音:   用"normal science"造句
  • 标准科学
  • 非常规科学
  • 规范科学
  • normal:    adj. 1.正常的,平常的,普通的;平均的。 2.正规 ...
  • science:    n. 1.科学;科学研究。 2.(一门)科学,学科。 3 ...
  • non normal science:    非常规科学
  • science:    n. 1.科学;科学研究。 2.(一门)科学,学科。 3.自然科学。 4.学;学问;〔古语〕知识。 5.(拳术、马术等的)技术,专门技巧。 6.〔有时作 S-〕信仰疗法,基督教精神疗法〔又称 Christian S-〕。 the pure science 纯理论科学。 the science of history 历史学。 social science 社会科学。 the most advanced branches of science and technology 尖端科学技术。 physical science 自然科学,物理(科)学。 natural science 自然科学。 borderline [boundary] science 边缘科学。 science and learning [scholarship] 自然科学和人文科学;学术;学艺。 the Academy of S- 科学院。 a man of science 科学家。 a bachelor of science 理学士。 a doctor of science 理学博士。 the noble science (of defence) 自卫术,拳术,剑术。
  • science and:    科研处
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  1. While paradigm changes in scientific revolution , it uses new discipline system for guiding new normal science , so only thinking paradigm as a discipline system , we can truly understand the concept of paradigm
  2. There are three kinds of science : ( 1 ) the pioneering science of those who develop hypotheses , ( 2 ) the comprehensive work of those who develop models , and ( 3 ) what kuhn called the " normal science " of those working under the aegis of a prevailing paradigm
    有三种科学: ( 1 )开发假说的那些先驱首创科学, ( 2 )从事综合性工作发展模型的科学,以及( 3 )在流行范式庇护下工作库恩称之为“正常的科学” 。
  3. In the brief course of its development , it is so wonderful , so creative , and full of the milk of human kindness , that it is differ to the normal science theory , it not only attracts the researchers " hard struggle in different lever , different domain , but also is the pet of the social worker and the company and the people


    Normal Science is a concept originated by Thomas Samuel Kuhn and elaborated in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. The term refers to the routine work of scientists experimenting within a paradigm, slowly accumulating detail in accord with established broad theory, not actually challenging or attempting to test the underlying assumptions of that theory.




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